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Audubon International Books & Videos

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Golf Course Design
This fully illustrated reference provides invaluable information about every step of golf course design including: course layout and hole design, planning, drainage, irrigation, turfgrass selection, financing, construction, and more.


Price:  $80.00

Landscape Restoration Handbook (2nd Edition)
From the West Coast Mountains to the Southern Coastal Plan, this complete reference includes essential details about Dominant Ecological Communities, upland, wetland, and estuarine system, and native plant species identification and selection. It is an incredible reference for anyone serious about landscape restoration and sustainable land management practices.


Price:  $139.00

Sustainable Golf Courses
The book is an excellent reference for all those who are involved in planning, developing, and constructing new golf courses, as well as for those who are involved in the management of golf courses once they are built. In his signature style, Ronald Dodson covers both the philosophy and practice of sustainable golf course development in easily understood terms, and includes plenty of photos, case studies, and reference materials.


Price:  $70.00

Managing Wildlife Habitat on Golf Courses
Written by Audubon International's own President and CEO, Ron Dodson gives a user-friendly framework for successful environmentally sensitive land management practices. The book includes projects, case studies, and an essential foundation for anyone interested in the potential value of golf courses as wildlife habitat. Not for golf course superintendents only!


Price:  $49.95

A Guide to Environmental Stewardship on the Golf Course 2nd Edition
This essential guide offers practical conservation mange strategies for your golf course and suggests ways to integrate them into your on-going maintenance activities. This essential guide will not only benefit wildlife on your golf course, but your economic bottom line. Note: The Guide to Environmental Stewardship is included in the New Member Packet.


Price:  $25.00

"Creating an Environmentally Friendly Back Yard"
In this video you will learn how to conserve water, energy, reduce fertilizers and pesticides and create a backyard wildlife sanctuary. You will see that being environmentally responsible is not only easy but fun.


Price:  $14.95

"Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program for Golf Courses"
Learn more about becoming a certified Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary. This video describes the six certification areas required for your property to become certified and will help you understand how fulfilling them will benefit the natural environment of your golf course.


Price:  $22.95


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